Photographs by John Goldberger
Text by Davidé Munari
近年、これらヘッドラインの話題となっているのは、もっぱら公開オークションで達成された、ヴィンテージのロレックスコスモグラフ デイトナの大幅な価格上昇である。相対的な質や希少性を考えると、デイトナ、とりわけ「ポール・ニューマン」文字盤を装備した個体の価格は、今や想像を絶するほどに高価だ。この価格の高騰はディーラーがゆるい「ポール・ニューマン」の文字盤を、同時代のデイトナケースに組み込んだ「ガッチャ」が生み出したものであり、ヴィンテージの手巻きデイトナの多くは、今流通している形として生み出されたものではなかった。こうなった理由は、ロレックスがアーカイブの情報をマーケットと共有しなかったためであり、結果、ディーラー同士で最も語られる話題は、何が正しく、何が間違っているかになった。「ポール・ニューマン」デイトナは一般の人々が身に着けてもクールなアイコンであり、ステータスシンボルとすぐに分かるため、最近ヴィンテージ時計の世界に足を踏み入れたお金持ちの初心者バイヤーにとっても、一貫してショッピングリストの一番上にある時計だ。セレクトオークションの結果を伝える評判の良いメディアのヘッドラインは、彼らのこういった嗜好をいっそう強める。そしてディーラーたちは、彼らの需要を満たすために、多くは「ガッチャ」時計だが、喜んでそういった個体を入手する。
It is very difficult to get an accurate read on the current state of the vintage watch market. Casual laymen, observers, and even collectors of vintage watches are periodically inundated with news headlines highlighting the incredible prices achieved by certain watches at auctions.
In recent years, some of these headline-making watches have been vintage Rolex Daytonas, solely due to the large increase in prices achieved at public auctions. For serious and experienced collectors, dealers, and even scholars with skin in the game, current prices are unimaginably high considering the relative quality and rarity of these watches, particularly the Daytonas with so called “Paul Newman” dials. Many of the examples changing hands in the worldwide market today are “put together” watches, with dealers putting loose “Paul Newman” dials into “period correct” cases, for a very large percentage of these vintage manual-wind Daytonas were not born in their present configurations.
Due to the fact that Rolex does not share archive information with the market, what is “correct” versus what isn’t, is most often one dealer’s word against another’s. For the moneyed novice buyer getting into vintage watches in recent times, the watch consistently at the top of the shopping list has been the “Paul Newman” Daytona: it is instantly recognizable on the wrist as a cool icon and status symbol, even to the general public. Popular media headlines broadcasting select auction results tend to reinforce this perception of desirability. Dealers are happy to procure, or in many cases “assemble” these watches, to feed the demand.
The watch department at Phillips, led by Aurel Bacs, is working with scholars such as Daytona expert Pucci Papaleo to package, market, and sell the most beautifully “put-together” examples to deep-pocketed new buyers hypnotized by catalogues filled with amazing, professionally taken photographs and language glorifying the watches.
“Oyster Moonphase Ref.6062,” which is outstanding in rarity and quality among vintage Rolex watches.
5月開催のフィリップス〝デイトナ アルティメイタム〞セールに出展されるホワイトゴールドのヴィンテージデイトナは、最高価格を更新するだろうか。時が経てば分かるだろう。しかし、こういったデイトナは、バルジュー72をベースとしたムーブメントと、「工業印刷」というなかなかうまく表現された方法で作られた文字盤を搭載する、大量生産のクロノグラフだ。ならば、より希少性があり、高品質な、いっそう重要性の高いモデルと比較した場合、ヴィンテージデイトナの価格は、永久には現在の価格レベルには留まらないはずだ。ヴィンテージロレックスのラインナップの中で、そういうモデルの例には、オイスタームーンフェイズ Ref.6062、ダトコンパックス“ジャン=クロード・キリー”、そして1930年代や40年代に作られた初期のクロノグラフが挙げられる。ヴィンテージデイトナの価格は、長期間「不合理」に留まるかもしれない。しかし、長期的に見れば、従来のパテック フィリップやヴァシュロン・コンスタンタン、オーデマ ピゲ、ロンジンといった伝説的なスイスメーカーが製造した、卓越した美学と品質、そして希少性を備えた重要なモデルの方が、高値を付けるだろう。
How much longer can the merry circus last for vintage Rolex Daytonas? No one can know for sure, but Yours Truly cannot but be amused by a recent anecdote wherein a local taxi driver asked if I had a Paul Newman Daytona in the collection once he discovered through our nonchalant banter that I liked vintage watches. Can the Phillips Daytona Ultimatum sale this May mark the climax for vintage Daytona prices? Time will tell. But for a mass-produced chronograph wristwatch with a movement based on Valjoux 72 and dial graphics made by methods quite aptly described as “industrial printing,” with a production number totaling many tens of thousands (for manual wind Daytonas, all references combined), perhaps prices cannot stay at current levels forever, at least relative to other much rarer, higher quality, and arguably much more important models. Within the vintage Rolex lineup, these watches include the Oyster moon phase reference 6062, the Datocompax “Jean Claude Killy,” and early chronographs made in the 1930s and 1940s. Prices can stay “irrational” for extended periods of time, but in the very long term, watches of great aesthetics, quality, and rarity should, rationally, achieve higher prices, including important models made by other fabled Swiss manufacturers such as Patek Philipe, Vacheron Constantin, Audemars Piguet, and Longines in the past.
There is no question that the broad trend of rising appreciation and connoisseurship in vintage watches is very much in force, and will likely remain so in the foreseeable future, thanks to watch blog phenomena like Hodinkee and important taste-making scholars such as John Goldberger. Under their influence, certain vintage watches have evolved from precious accessories to objets d’art and serious investments, perhaps rightfully so, because a rare, beautiful vintage watch of high quality doesn’t just measure time, but is a daily reminder to its owner that he possesses an incredible object synthesizing centuries of human genius in culture, craft, and art.
Daytona “Paul Newman Dial,” which is famous because the actor Paul Newmon wore it frequently.
At current price levels for vintage watches, what are the ones to collect? If Rolex - arguably the most important maker of wristwatches in history - is your target as a collector, what are the models to buy? Assuming comparable conditions, do you buy a ref. 6263 with Paul Newman “RCO” dial or do you buy a ref. 6062 “Stelline”? Do you buy a Daytona ref. 6239 or do you buy an early chronograph from the 1930s or 1940s? If Rolex was Picasso, do you buy a 1960s print or a pre-1940 oil, assuming, for a brief moment, that prices were the same? From here, how will prices evolve not only for vintage watches as a whole but, more interestingly, between different models? Trends come and go and extremes in sentiment and fashion always swing back the other way.
It is crucial to have a basic sense of the inherent “worth” of an object as a collector committing serious amounts of capital in a watch. For today’s collectors and enthusiasts, not only is it crucial to choose the right models, it is just as important to develop an educated eye for condition and originality. It is my firm belief that the “quality premium” will get even larger in the future. For a given reference, an example in better, more original condition will appreciate much more quickly than one in lesser or “compromised” condition: it will get exponentially difficult to find top condition examples of important models as most have disappeared into private collections.
International connoisseur and collector of important wrist and pocket watches.